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Students Tab: Students List

Students Tab: the “View Students” Screen

Students Tab: Selecting Students

Students Tab: Features

Students Tab: Interventions

- Select Students for an Intervention

- Intervention Security Type

- Intervention Area and Tier

- Intervention Name and Description​

- Intervention Team Members

- Intervention​ Action Steps

- Intervention Attachments​

- Intervention Comments

- Complete and Save the Intervention Set-up

- Intervention Notifications

- Interventions with Progress Monitoring

Students Tab: Supports

- Select Students for a Support

- Support Fields

- Complete and Save the Support

Students Tab: Programs

- Select Students for a Program​

Add Students to a Program​​

Students Tab: Program Referrals

- Select Students to Refer to a Program

- Create a Referral

- Create a Referral by Program Name

- Create a Referral by Program Type

- Intervention Team Members

- Referral Notifications

- Manage Referrals

Complete the Referral